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10 Fintech Marketing Trends and Strategies for Startups

It’s all about fintech right now.

Research from Deloitte shows the financial services industry is ripe for disruption.

Fintech is poised to replace many of the traditional banking system’s outdated tactics with new tools like blockchain, machine learning, AI, mobile, and more.

Finance is already a distrustful industry for many people – whether regulators, potential business partners, or consumers.

Fintech companies need to take their marketing strategies seriously. Particularly, effective fintech marketing should focus on quality content and user experience.

Consider your audience and goals – both short-term and long-term.

What product or service are you trying to sell? Who are you selling to? What problems do they face daily?

Many fintech companies have long-term goals of either reaching both B2B and consumer markets or shifting from consumers to business after honing technology.

Starting with a comprehensive strategy that combines mobile, personalization, AI, and UX is key to earning trust no matter your audience.

1. Data-Driven Tactics

Data should power every fintech marketing decision. Data-driven content, targeting, and experiences show that you have a solid grasp of technology and customer service.

Plus, nearly 60% say they expect you to personalize their experience based on data from past experiences.

Unfortunately, high-quality data is hard to come by. AI-driven tools can help keep your database clean and complete.

2. Target Content for the Right Segments

You can’t personalize the experience without content to personalize. Fintech companies deal with a wide range of firmographics and demographics they must consider.

Within consumer audiences, you have:

  • Various income levels
  • Financial planning goals
  • Budgets

With your business audiences, different organizations have:

  • Distinct market shares
  • Capital access
  • Long-term goals

Each of these groups needs content created specifically for them.

For example, a mid-income consumer might want information on 401ks and retirement planning tools, while a low-income consumer would want immediate budget or credit-building help.

The same idea applies to different accounts or firmographics.

Comprehensive content shows that you care about your audience’s immediate problems. It’s really the only way they can trust your brand without taking the risk of signing up for your service.

3. Personalized Content Experiences

Once you create the content for your segments, you need a strategy to get it in front of the right sets of eyes. An AI-powered personalization engine uses behavioral data and intent data to make sure every visitor gets the best experience. AI helps you simplify content distribution, just like Amazon.

4. Multimedia is a Must

The financial services sector is often dry and confusing for many people – even those who work in the industry! Multimedia is vital for bringing your fintech marketing down to earth.

Videos, infographics, and other media make your services/products easier to understand. And best of all: Multimedia makes otherwise dry content exciting and shareable.

Use tools like:

  • Custom GIFs to explain your product
  • Tutorial videos
  • Budget planning videos
  • Interactive content explaining your cybersecurity
  • Financial planning and investment quizzes
  • Investing and saving gamification

5. UX Comes First

User-first design is critical for fintech. Buyers and customers need to physically see that you care about their experience. Plus, nice UX beams trustworthiness.

Nearly 70% of millennials and 43% of all demographics already use mobile banking, for example.

An optimized mobile app is necessary, as is a streamlined and minimalist mobile-first website.

6. Humanized Marketing is Key

A disruptive industry needs disruptive marketing strategies. Digital marketing for fintech companies needs humanized content to break away from traditional financial service strategies’ rigidness.

For example, write your content from a second-person (you/your) or first-person (I/we) perspective. Use a more casual and friendly tone than you’d typically find in financial marketing.

Casual, friendly, and warm don’t necessarily equal unprofessional. In fact, most will find the humanized aesthetic refreshing.

7. Don’t Hide Your Content Behind Forms

When you invest so much into your content, the last thing you want to do is hide it behind a lead form.

The internet is full of information. Both B2Bs and consumers know this fact.

If they’re confronted with a form when they visit your blog, they’ll just hit the back button and look for the same information somewhere else.

Instead, give your visitors a useful sample of your content. Use micro smart forms to collect just an email address and country and nothing more. AI can help fill the demographic and firmographic gaps instead of forcing your visitors to hand over their details.

8. Capitalize on Influencers

Influencers and thought leaders are a vital component for humanizing your brand.

Both fintech consumers and business buyers tend to trust influencers a little more than marketing content coming straight from the brand’s mouth.

Influencers also add an extra perspective of your product/service like a long-game review.

9. Get Conversational

We’ve already explained how your content writing should take on a conversational tone on your website.

However, you also want to keep the back-and-forth conversations flowing on social media and other channels. When you craft your social posts for the page, write as if you’re speaking to one person.

Make sure to share useful content from other non-brand pages and users. Interact with your comments to keep the conversation flowing.

10. Offer Free Tools and Resources

The best financial service brands know that giving away free services is the key to winning future customers and keeping the ones they have.

Design an app that’s useful for everyone – whether they’re a customer or not.

Use artificial intelligence and machine learning to offer free tools on your app for investing, financial planning, budgeting, saving, stretching resources, and whatever you think your audience segments would appreciate.

Technology makes it easy to develop an app that’s extremely useful but requires minimal resources to maintain.

For Fintech Marketing, AI is a Must

In such an innovation-driven industry like fintech, effective use of artificial intelligence is critical for creating an authoritative digital marketing strategy.

AI-powered personalized content experiences are naturally mobile friendly and encourage content bingeing. Like Netflix or Spotify, you can offer your audience personalized content recommendations – whether they’re potential investors, business partners, or consumers.

Learn how fintech company Tipalti used Hushly’s AI system to increase conversions by nearly 600% and lead quality by almost 80%.

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