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How Self-Nurturing Landing Pages Resolve Gaps in LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms

In the world of B2B marketing, LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms have become a popular tool for capturing leads due to their high conversion rates. However, as our co-founder and CEO, Geoff Rego, pointed out in a LinkedIn post, there are significant pitfalls associated with relying solely on these forms.

There’s a better way to generate leads and nurture them effectively: self-nurturing landing pages (SNLPs).

Let’s delve into the shortcomings of LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms and explore how SNLPs can fill these gaps while offering a superior lead generation solution.

The Pitfalls of LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms

LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms have become a cornerstone tool for many B2B marketers. These forms are embedded directly within LinkedIn’s platform, allowing users to submit their information with just a few clicks. This streamlined process can yield high conversion rates and efficiently capture leads, making them an attractive option for many businesses looking to expand their reach.

Screenshot showing the behind-the-scenes and finished product of LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms.

Source: LinkedIn

However, despite their apparent benefits, LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms have several drawbacks that can hinder the effectiveness of your lead generation strategy. Here’s what you should be aware of:

  • Low Friction, Cold Leads: LinkedIn makes it easy for users to complete lead forms, often requiring just a few clicks. While this results in high conversion rates, the ease of completion can lead to low engagement. Prospects may forget they submitted their information, resulting in cold leads who are less likely to engage with follow-up communications. These cold leads require more effort and resources to warm up, decreasing the overall efficiency of your lead generation process.
  • Minimal Brand Recall: Because the lead generation process occurs on LinkedIn’s platform, prospects often attribute the value of the content to LinkedIn, rather than your brand. This diminishes brand recall and the connection between the prospect and your company. Without strong brand association, it becomes harder to nurture these leads and build long-term relationships.
  • Limited Retargeting: LinkedIn allows you to retarget users who interact with lead forms, but this retargeting is confined to LinkedIn’s ecosystem. You can’t follow these leads across other digital channels, limiting your ability to create comprehensive, multi-channel marketing strategies. This restriction reduces the effectiveness of your retargeting campaigns and the overall reach of your marketing efforts.
  • Leads with Personal Emails: Most LinkedIn users link their profiles to personal email addresses, rather than business emails. This can lead to complications in follow-up communications, as personal emails may not be checked as frequently or may be filtered into personal categories. Leads captured with personal emails may have lower engagement rates, making it harder to connect with them in a professional context.

What are Self-Nurturing Landing Pages and How are They Different?

Self-nurturing landing pages offer a powerful alternative to LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms by addressing these pitfalls and enhancing the lead generation and nurturing process.

Unlike standard landing pages that typically require visitors to fill out a form before accessing content, SNLPs allow users to access and engage with content upfront. By skipping the form, it creates a smoother, more direct experience for the user. This can lead to more engagement, higher conversion rates, and an increase in overall lead quality.

Interested? Here are all the other benefits you need to know about these landing pages:

1. Lead with Value, Not the Form

SNLPs allow users to access valuable, multi-asset content without immediately filling out a form. This approach ensures a user-friendly experience, reducing the initial friction and encouraging users to engage with the content more deeply. By leading with value, SNLPs attract more qualified leads who are genuinely interested in your content and are more likely to engage further.

By bringing in more qualified leads, fitting the profile of someone with the intent to buy, you stand a better chance of increasing your conversion rates and your profits. Ultimately, it’s about the value you can offer that attracts people to your brand and builds trust, so they’ll want to invest in your offers.

2. Multichannel Traffic

Since the traffic is directed to your site, you can retarget visitors across all your marketing channels, not just within LinkedIn. For instance, you could have retargeting ads displayed on Google or social media platforms such as Facebook. This multichannel approach enables you to create more cohesive and effective retargeting campaigns. Enhanced retargeting capabilities lead to better engagement and higher conversion rates as you can reach your prospects wherever they are online.

Doing this ensures you’re making the most of the traffic your website is generating. Should you fail to secure a conversion on their first visit, retargeting gives you the chance to connect with them again. You might be more likely to get someone to join your list or make a purchase the next time around.

3. Content Chat for Quick Education

SNLPs feature AI content chat, allowing users to ask questions and receive quick answers without having to read the entire document. This interactive feature accelerates the education process and keeps users engaged. Quick and easy access to information fosters a positive user experience and helps move prospects further down the sales funnel faster, shortening the time of the buying process.

4. Generate First-Party Intent Signals

Another thing about SNLPs is that they can auto-tag topics of interest for each prospect, creating invaluable first-party intent signals. First-party intent data provides important information about prospective buyers, such as personal details like their contact information, behavior on your website, preferences, and purchase history.

These signals provide insights into what your prospects care about, enabling personalized engagement and tailored follow-ups. First-party intent signals enhance your ability to personalize marketing efforts, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates. You can use this information when creating future content on your blog and social media, for segmenting your email list, and for personalized landing pages. When your audience feels like you know and understand them, they’ll connect with your brand on a deeper level, making them more inclined to further the relationship.

5. Frictionless Warm Lead Microforms

Like LinkedIn forms, SNLPs can auto-append business information with the user’s consent. This results in a frictionless experience for the user and a 51% lift in conversion rates. By simplifying the form submission process while maintaining high engagement, SNLPs generate warmer leads who are more likely to convert into customers. Ultimately, the key is to attract quality leads who are more likely to purchase your products or services soon.

Why Hushly is the Go-To Tool for SNLPs

When it comes to creating effective SNLPs, Hushly stands out as the premier solution for marketers seeking to maximize lead generation and engagement.

Our platform is designed to address the shortcomings of traditional landing pages and LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms by providing a comprehensive suite of features that cater to the modern demands of B2B marketing. It’s all thanks to our AI-driven features and the ability to seamlessly integrate our software with your existing marketing stack. We allow you to lead with content, present personalized offers, and make it easy for users to binge your content in a single session.

Ready to Create Your Own SNLPs?

While LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms have their merits, their limitations can hinder your lead generation and nurturing efforts. SNLPs provide a superior alternative by offering a more engaging, multichannel, and personalized experience. By leading with value, facilitating quick education, and providing a smooth user experience, SNLPs can significantly enhance your lead generation strategy and drive better results.

Schedule a demo to see what Hushly can do for you!

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